The Joy of Sets! Celebrating others !!

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A short missive this week but I just wanted to champion a few companies that have helped us more than they know is reasserting our faith in Italian customer service, well, a little anyway!!

A few useful details I thought I would share from Italy for any expats or Italians wishing to travel to the UK.

Getting a PCR test in Italy and getting the results in time to travel can be a stressful process as we have found out recently. We did, however find two companies in Milan that were extremely efficient, and I would like to big them up here.

Firstly, Dottoressa Stephania Paesani who you can contact on

and secondly the private practice CEDAM who you can contact on . The very helpful processes from these two has meant we were able to get the tests done and results in less than 24 hours, unlike some others we tried and wasted money on. The results come in English as required by the UK border control and you receive it by email.

Customer satisfaction in Italy is not guaranteed in my experience so finding suppliers that deliver without the usual “well its difficult, blah, blah blah” is worth trumpeting.

Companies I will never use again in Italy are numerous as they are just not interested in sorting things out when problems arise and they rely on you getting bored of calling and pestering them, so you give in.

Well, not these two, so Hoorah!!

Also, a not for profit organisation British In Italy is worth a mention. They have an amazing website and newsletter for expats that explains the facts and not the rumours. They have contact within the embassy in Rome and they can be relied on heavily for useful information.

So I am spreading a little love to everyone who is helping others and a big fat BOOOO to those that don’t.

Picture: Shutterstock

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